Rude Singaporeans are banned
本店有閉路電視攝錄 白撞負評報復者會被列入黑名單及會發佈在網店
Our shop has CCTV recording. Those (Non-Shoppers) who make negative comments
in revenge will be blacklisted and the information will be published on the website and retail shop
Serious Shoppers Only
白撞勿擾: 閒遊觀光 恕不招待
*Public security has been poor in recent years,
WALK IN- No Free Browsing for all products!)
New Arrivals/ Specially priced / Lots of 80s Vinyl Records
- New Wave/Synth Pop/ Rock Pop/ Alternative Rock / 12" Single.../ Rare Hong Kong Pressing/ Cantonese Pop
will not be published on this website.
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Please visit our store in The Capital, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong to purchase, Thank You.
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